Crying was a good old habit of mine, yet as I lost my appetite, a lot of my body weight, and as I developed newer aches, crying became inaccessible to me.
"Zaghloul El Hamam” was the only music that could force my tears to roll out of my body.
A month after starting chemotherapy, I realized that I myself was a lot like zagloul el hamam, a “baby pigeon” whose fragile body could not love or fly.
Please note that this project includes mention of suicide.
تعودت على أن أبكي.. أن أعبر عن الحزن بصوت عالِ. لكن في آذار ٢٠٢٠ و مع فقدان الشهية والوزن والشعور بآلام غريبة في جسدي. فقدتُ القدرة على البكاء.
زغلول الحمام كانت المقطوعة الموسيقية الوحيدة التي دفعت كل الدموع إلى مُغَادَرَة جسدي.
في شهر تموز ٢٠٢٠ وبعد مرور الشهر الأول من بدء علاجي الكيميائي تنبهتُ تماماً على أنني صرتُ أشبه زغلول الحمام بامتلاكي هذا الجسد الهش الذي لا يستطيع الحب أو حتى الطيران.
يرجى الملاحظة أن هذا المشروع يتضمن ذكر الانتحار.
Lina is a Palestinian-Jordanian photographer born in 1991 in Amman, Jordan. She uses analog photography alongside text as a medium for storytelling. Lina co-founded a photo-lab and art space called Darkroom Amman (2018), in an effort to diversify the arts and culture scene in her city.
Lina is a Palestinian-Jordanian photographer born in 1991 in Amman, Jordan. She uses analog photography alongside text as a medium for storytelling. Lina co-founded a photo-lab and art space called Darkroom Amman (2018), in an effort to diversify the arts and culture scene in her city.